
The SwissPedNet Research Session presented itself in a new format at the annual meeting in Interlaken and two women took the prizes.

This year's annual report looks back at 10 years.

The c4c project has shown successful proof of concept for a service that presents a new framework to plan innovative and feasible pediatric trials.

Pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) minimal dataset for Switzerland (Swiss PEM minimal dataset) and contribution to a subspecialty module to a national…

Frequency and characteristics of low-acuity paediatric emergency department (PED) visits in two large Swiss PEDs

New funding period 2021-2024 and another year in the pandemic

Including adolescents of childbearing potential in clinical trials with possible exposure to teratogenic medication: a challenge for paediatricians…

JAMA 2021 Nov 2;326(17):1713-1724:

Effect of Amoxicillin Dose and Treatment Duration on the Need for Antibiotic Re-treatment in Children With…

The project “Harmonising the collection of health-related data and biospecimens in paediatric hospitals throughout Switzerland (SwissPedData)” is an…

The article describes the way routine clinical data are currently recorded in large paediatric clinics in Switzerland and the development of a…

Recommendations by the Conect4Children expert advice group >>>

A combined conect4children Expert Group and European Society for Developmental, Perinatal and Paediatric Pharmacology White Paper >>>

Förderperiode 2017-2020 und ein Jahr in der Pandemie: Ein Jahresrückblick >>>

Période de financement 2017-2020 et un an dans la pandémie : bilan de…

Machine Learning Algorithms Evaluate Immune Response to Novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigens for Diagnosis of Tuberculosis. Find the link here >>…

Find the review of the year 2019 in Paediatrica in German >>> or French >>>

The main focus of the CRC is to accompany countless study projects from all areas of paediatrics.

Read the complete article in Paediatrica in German

The research unit of the Istituto Pediatrico della Svizzera Italiana (IPSI) in Ticino was created in 2015 thanks to the support of SwissPedNet, with…

SwissPedRegistry is a research and consulting platform for paediatric registries.

Paediatrica article in German >>> and French >>>

A review of the SwissPedNet year 2018:

Paediatrica article in German >>> and French >>>

Find out here what is being done in Geneva for clinical research with children

Read the complete article in Paediatrica in German >>> or French >>>

The sgp/ssp and SwissPedNet support a project in paediatric palliative care.

Read the complete article in Paediatrica in German >>> or French >>>

Klara Posfay Barbe, the new president of SwissPedNet, successor of David Nadal, takes position in an interview.

Read the complete article in…