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SwissPedNet awards at pädiatrie schweiz congress
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We congratulate the winners of the SwissPedNet Translational & Clinical Research Award 2018:
Eva S.L. Pedersen, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern
for her research project "The simple 10-item PARC tool predicts childhood asthma in an external validation cohort." (O02)
Christian Juvet, Département femme mère enfant, CHUV, Lausanne
for his research project "Early postnatal overfeeding induces transient overexpression of senescence promoting factors in the mouse kidney." (O22)
More details about the session 2018 in German >>> and French >>>
AbbVie kindly offered the award of CHF 3000.–.
[Lausanne | 24.5.2018]